Sunday, March 23, 2025

Workout Recap - Week 12

Sunday, March 16th  45 minute run with the hubby

Monday, March 17th –  45 minute lunchtime run 

Tuesday, March 18th – 45 minute run 

Wednesday, March 19th –  45 minute stair run

Thursday, March 20th – 45 minute lunchtime run

Friday, March 21st  45 minute lunchtime run

Saturday, March 22nd – 45 minute run

Another full week of 45 minute runs. This week I got in a 45 minute run on the HUGE set of stairs by my work (I think they are 6-8 flights high) and it kept me sore for days. Thankfully nothing too bad, but I could feel my calves and quads were not used to that type of workout. Otherwise everything else was lovely. I've been getting in my runs on my lunch break if I have coverage, which has been nice because the weather has been gorgeous and it's a nice way to break up the day. I'm sort of surprised there's only one week left of this challenge (plus a couple days). It hasn't felt as hard as I was expecting. 

How were your workouts this past week?

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Walt Wednesday

Some people do a "Wordless Wednesday" post, where they simply share a photo or image, but I thought I'd make a little series out of my Wednesdays. And since I love alliteration so much, why not go with Walt Wednesdays (obviously everyone can use a little break from the seriousness, scariness and sassiness of life - and what better way to help put a smile on your face than with a cute wiener dog picture, am I right?!)... So, without further ado...


When life gets overwhelming, how do you de-stress? 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Workout Recap - Week 11

Sunday, March 9th  45 minute run

Monday, March 10th –  45 minute run on stair master

Tuesday, March 11th – 45 minute run with the hubby

Wednesday, March 12th –  45 minute run

Thursday, March 13th – 45 minute lunchtime run

Friday, March 14th  45 minute lunchtime run

Saturday, March 15th – 45 minute run

If you remember the end of last week (and the beginning of this week), the hubby and I were in Maui on vacation, so the background of the photos definitely change later in the week ;) I'm stoked I hit the halfway point of my #March45Min Challenge and the body is still feeling okay. (The muscles/ joints/ tendons all feel a-okay, but I was dragging a little bit in overall fatigue, so I did sleep in on Friday, which meant I had to run on my lunch break in the misty rain.) Overall I'm happy to report things are feeling good and the streak hasn't been too draining. Who knows, maybe I'll keep it going after March.

How were your workouts this past week?

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Walt Wednesday

Some people do a "Wordless Wednesday" post, where they simply share a photo or image, but I thought I'd make a little series out of my Wednesdays. And since I love alliteration so much, why not go with Walt Wednesdays (obviously everyone can use a little break from the seriousness, scariness and sassiness of life - and what better way to help put a smile on your face than with a cute wiener dog picture, am I right?!)... So, without further ado...


When life gets overwhelming, how do you de-stress? 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Workout Recap - Week 10

Sunday, March 2nd  45 minute run with the hubby

Monday, March 3rd –  45 minute beach run

Tuesday, March 4th – 45 minute run

Wednesday, March 5th –  45 minute run

Thursday, March 6th – 45 minute run

Friday, March 7th  45 minute run with the hubby

Saturday, March 8th – 45 minute run

My first full week of at least 45 minutes of running a day is complete (and, surprisingly, the body doesn't feel too terrible). As I'm sure you can see from the background starting on Thursday, the hubby and I were in Maui for vacation. He actually joined on a couple of my runs which I was super stoked about, while I tackled the rest solo (all but one I was out on the beach path in front of the resorts). I know I'll be kicking myself for saying this later, but 45 minutes doesn't seem like too hard of a goal to tackle on a daily basis. Sure, the legs might feel a little tired, but 4-5 miles a day seems totally doable. 

How were your workouts this past week?

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Walt Wednesday

Some people do a "Wordless Wednesday" post, where they simply share a photo or image, but I thought I'd make a little series out of my Wednesdays. And since I love alliteration so much, why not go with Walt Wednesdays (obviously everyone can use a little break from the seriousness, scariness and sassiness of life - and what better way to help put a smile on your face than with a cute wiener dog picture, am I right?!)... So, without further ado...


When life gets overwhelming, how do you de-stress? 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Workout Recap - Week 9

Sunday, February 23rd  30 minutes on the stationary bike

Monday, February 24th –  4 mile lunchtime run

Tuesday, February 25th – 30 minutes on the stationary bike

Wednesday, February 26th –  4 mile run

Thursday, February 27th – 4 mile lunchtime run 

Friday, February 28th  Rest day 

Saturday, March 1st – 45 minute run (the start of my #March45Min Challenge)

Seems like 4 mile runs were the theme of the week ;) I flew back from my parents on Sunday and got back into the swing of things come Monday. I did work out my schedule so that I'd have a rest day on Friday because I was starting a run streak on Saturday. My goal for the month of March is to run (at least) 45 minutes a day. The reason for that is there is a stat that shows every 45 seconds a LGBTQ+ young person attempts to take their life - so I am using that 45 as a way to try to raise awareness and funds for the LGBTQ+ youth. I've never really done a run streak before (running every day without a rest day), so we shall see how this goes. If/ when it gets hard I'll lean into my "why" for the streak for strength. 

How were your workouts this past week?